We are proud to belong to the very closed circle of independent brewers, a label which testifies to our integrity and our know-how in the manufacture of the beers that we offer you.

The SNBI officially launched its collective brand “Brasser Indépendant” at the Salon du Brasseur.

This label, desired by all the brewers when the SNBI was created, is now a reality.

This brand, a guarantee of quality, authenticity and values ​​for the consumer, meets 10 criteria :

  1. The beer producer must be a small, independent brewery
  2. The brewery is located in France
  3. The brewery is the real producer: no subcontracting accepted
  4. The name and address of the brewer are clearly indicated on all labels.
  5. The composition of the product is clearly listed on the label
  6. The product is made only from natural ingredients or of natural origin
  7. The brewer does not use any artificial additives (preservatives, coloring, etc.) or artificial flavors in his beer
  8. The brewer must comply with regulations relating to hygiene and food safety in force.
  9. The brewer is committed to a microbiological quality approach for its beers
  10. The brewery undertakes to respect all regulations in force in France

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